
Trinity Presbyterian Preschool

1106 Alameda de las Pulgas
San Carlos, California 94070

Come Play With Us!

Please visit the Admissions page
for information.
We’re happy to announce the addition of a second Twos class and afternoon Pre-K Boost option for 2025-26!

Cultivating a lifelong love of learning panel

Trinity Preschool offers children a unique environment to learn how to do things for themselves and
successfully interact with other people. The play-based curriculum is designed to achieve not
only kindergarten readiness, but to prepare children for a lifetime of success in all their endeavors. By
teaching children how to be curious learners, critical thinkers and problem solvers, our play based programs leverage each child’s interest and engagement in learning.

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The Power of Play

In our play-centered preschool curriculum, teachers leverage children’s developing ideas, interests, and competencies to promote learning through play, circle-time, and small-group activities. Play is not a break from the curriculum; play is the best way to implement the curriculum. Teachers facilitate through responsive interactions with children, based on an understanding of how play contributes to academic and social learning.

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In each of our classes, we encourage free play as the main element of the curriculum. Play may be child-initiated or teacher-directed. Both independent and assisted activities are available and experience centers are set up to introduce new concepts and challenges that encourage children to explore the limits of their imagination. Children are supervised, but encouraged to follow their own interests. Each day, children are offered the opportunity to explore Art, Construction & Building, Dramatic Play, Language Arts, Manipulatives & Fine Motor Skills, Outdoor & Gross Motor, Music, and Science.

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